Pumpkins, witches and scarecrows oh my!!

Week before Halloween! Pumpkins and Witches oh my!!

Since Halloween falls on a Monday it just didn’t make sense to do pumpkin and Halloween themed activities all next week after Halloween is over.  So we decided to step away from our trees study and do pumpkins and Halloween themed centers this week.  For dramatic play we will have dress up outfits and Halloween costumes for the children to play with and use their imagination.  We will have Pumpkin Playdough, Math centers using candy corn to count, along with books about bats and other scary Halloween friends.  At the end of the week we will investigate a pumpkin by figuring out if it will sink or float, what is inside and what does it feel like.  There will also be a surprise in the sensory table this week!!!

Our letters this week is a review of all letters we have learned so far..M R S T P N


Tuesday this week is the World Series Opener and Indians day in the building….wear your Tribe apparel




On Halloween we will be having a building wide parade that starts at 9:45.  AM class children come to school dressed in their costumes and come in the classroom as usual. (parents make sure to either put the costume over their clothes or pack clothes to change into…we will change out of our costumes after the parade).  Then we will head over to the gym at around 9:30 and there will be donuts and a craft to keep everyone busy while we get organized for the parade. (parents/grandparents can join the kids to do the craft and to have donuts)

Children Trick-or-treating --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

If weather permits we then walk out the back doors of the gym and parade around the building.  Parents, Grandparents etc then stand outside along the sidewalks and take pictures as the kids parade around the school.  Everyone is welcome to watch.

PM students and family are welcome to join the parade as well.  Just go straight to the gym with your child in their costume and partake in the donuts and craft.  We will all walk together (AM and PM)

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