What to wear?

Welcome Back!

The students will have an opportunity to add to their binder by creating a picture of their favorite thing they did or ate over the Thanksgiving break and writing a story about it. We love to scribe what they are telling us as their stories are very sweet.

This week we will be reading The Mitten, a Hungarian folk tale, as we begin our study on Clothing. The housekeeping area will be set up for sorting  and washing the laundry.  Using clothes pins to hang up laundry will help strengthen fine motor skills. For art we will paint our hands white and place them onto mittens.  For those students who are able to use scissors we will encourage them to cut out their own mittens.  Math is sorting and our letters are Y and Z.  By the end of the week the students will be able to retell the story of The Mitten using paper manipulatives.

We will begin to practice our songs for the Holiday concert this week.  A reminder that when the reservations for seats is sent out, please return them ASAP as requests for seats go very quickly.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Feeling Grateful!!

It’s that time of year when we reflect upon those things that make us feel grateful.  I am extremely grateful for Miss Lindsey as she took over my class and made it better than before.  Thank you Miss Lindsey for all that you did and we wish you the best of luck in your new endeavor.

I will be returning to work on Monday Nov. 27th. I will have a few restrictions (like sitting on the floor criss cross applesauce), but am good as new and look forward to seeing all the children and staff in the building.  If you are in the building, stop in and say hello.


Thanksgiving theme and Turkey Trot

This week we will be doing centers based on the theme of Thanksgiving. Our dramatic play areas will be set up so the kids can set the table for a Thanksgiving Feast. We will be increasing our fine motor by using turkey basters and pushing feathers across the table.  We will also  be feathering turkeys using feathers and colanders. Our math will be counting turkeys, identifying the number and writing the number we will also be matching feather shapes.  Our letters with week will be W and X. Our finale for the week with be the Turkey Trot!!  We also plan on trying to do a cooking activity making pumpkin pie in a cup.

Info on Turkey Trot:

Please join us and cheer on the students in this fun run/walk around the school campus.  The students need to be dressed in athletic wear (including tennis shoes)  as well as for the weather, ie. coats, hats, mittens.  Please note the Turkey Trot will be cancelled if there is heavy rain or snow.   The AM DAP students will report to the Gym at 9:15 and run/walk at 9:30.  The PM DAP students will report to the gym at 1:15 and run/walk around 1:30.  Students still report to their classrooms just like any other day. The teachers will get the students ready for the run/walk when it is time and will see the parents cheering us on as we run/walk.

Seasons and Turkey Trot

Ms. Lindsey here blogging and filling in for Ms. Peggy: This week our focus will be on seasons and the different clothing we wear to keep us warm etc.  In our housekeeping area we will be using items given to us from University Circle Early Learning Initiative.  Our housekeeping will be a forest with all the woodland animal puppets.  The kids can dress up as rangers and take care of the animals.  This is a nice transition from trees into our clothing study.

Our letters this week are U and V. Can’t believe we are almost done with the alphabet!!  

If you haven’t signed up for parent teacher conferences and would like to meet please sign up on sign-up-genius. Here is the link:




Our Turkey Trot is right around the corner.  Please join us and cheer on the students in this fun run/walk around the school campus.  The students need to be dressed in athletic wear (including tennis shoes)  as well as for the weather, ie. coats, hats, mittens.  Please note the Turkey Trot swill be cancelled if there is heavy rain or snow.   The AM DAP students will report to the Gym at 9:15 and run/walk at 9:30.  The PM DAP students will report to the gym at 1:15 and run/walk around 1:30.  Students still report to their classrooms just like any other day. The teachers will get the students ready for the run/walk when it is time and will see the parents cheering us on as we run/walk.

PM students only:

Our next field trip will be this Thursday November 9th.  We will be visiting Nature Center at Shaker Lakes. Make sure your child arrives at 11:45, the bus will be leaving promptly at 12:00.  Reminder: no back packs on field trip days.