Dr. Seuss Week

This week we will be celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday.  We will be reading Dr. Seuss books and doing silly things to celebrate his birthday.  The centers this week will be focused on the Dr. Seuss books we are reading along with other Dr. Seuss books. This is a great time to do silly rhyming with your kids just like he did!! This is our schedule of books and what we are doing:

Monday – Sleep Book – wear your pajamas to school

Tuesday – Green Eggs and Ham – wear something green to school

Wednesday – Wacky Wednesday – be wacky, wear your clothes inside out, or don’t match at all…it is up to you!

Thursday – Cat in the Hat – Wear your favorite hat

Our letters this week are O and P.  For math we will be focusing on counting to 20.


How To Make Oobleck:


  • 2 Cups of Corn Starch
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 10 Drops of Food Coloring


  • Shallow Bowl or Plastic Container
  • Measuring Cup

Olympics week 2

The Olympics


Last week we learned about the Olympics and that Korea was our country to watch.  Korea is the host country and we celebrate all that represents Korea.  Here is a youtube video on how to make an origami Tiger which is the mascot of the Olympics.  The Tiger for the Olympics is named Soohorang.  The White tiger has long been considered Korea’s guardian animal.  Sooho mean protection and rang from the middle letter of Ho-rang-i (Korean for Tiger) and last letter of Jeong-seon A-ri-rang (old folk song from Gangwon Province where the games are being held).



Last week in the dramatic play area the students were pretending to ice skate in the Olympic Village.  This week they will pretend to ski and ski jump along with making a Korean drum.  We will be keeping track of how many medals Korea has won in each the bronze, silver and gold categories.  At the end of the Olympics we will see which country has won the most, and the least.  Please take time out of your busy schedule to watch the Olympics with your child.

Our letters this week are K and L along with the math concept of patterning.

We will celebrate Valentines Day on Wednesday with making bags and delivering our Valentines to our friends.  Everything that day will be about how we care for others.  Happy Valentines Day!!








Welcome to the Olympic Village!!

For the next three weeks we will be stepping away from our curriculum and engage the children in learning about the Olympics.  Miss Peggy’s classroom will be Korea, the host country and Miss Megan’s class will be Germany.  We will learn about our country’s, count medals of the races each day and predict who may win.  While you are home with your child, please talk about what they may see and learn about the Olympics.  Feel free to Google your child’s country and learn together about the Olympics.  We are super excited to to this project with the children and know they will love it too.  They will learn about ice skating, skiing, curling, bob sledding  and many more Olympic events!!   The housekeeping area in each room will be the Olympic Village with simple events held there.  For art we will make the country’s flag and other Olympic crafts.  Math will continue as usual and this week we will be counting to 20 using a variety of ways.  Our letters of the week will be I and J.  The children are really working hard on making their upper case letters.

The mascot for the Olympics is a white tiger.  Here is an animated snippet of the mascot and some games the athletes will be participating in.

The emblem symbolises a world open to everyone. It combines the image of ice and snow, winter sports stars (athletes), and people from all over the world, coming together in PyeongChang where heaven meets earth.

PyeongChang 2018 Emblem