Tree Study


This week will begin our first week of our Tree study.  The Questions for the week are  “What do we know about trees?”and  “What do we want to find out?”  The Question of the day is “Did you see a tree on the way to school today?” To help answer all of these questions we will take a nature walk on the school grounds and explore the trees. We will gather items from the trees that we find and fill the sensory table.  For art we will use a tree item to paint with at the table. Feel free to send in any items you and your child may find on a walk in your neighborhood.  I am a personal fan of the state tree the Buckeye and its fruit!!

We have also created a tree in the classroom that the students will name along with adding their own ideas of what we can do with a tree.

Our letters for the week are I and J and Math will be patterning.

This week we will be working on our family trees using the family pictures you have sent in.  If you have not sent in a family picture please send one in or email the picture to my email address,

Our stories of the week is Our Tree Named Steve which is a sweet story about the things in life we hold dear to us, and the favorite Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

Miss Peggy will be out Monday morning and Mrs. Donna Kempton will be subbing.  She is very familiar with substituting for our DAP program.  I will return at noon for the afternoon class.

September 26 is Literacy Night from 6:30-7:30 Pm. Please plan on attending.

Last Week of Beginning of Year Study

The Gingerbread Man

This week is our last week of the study Beginning of the Year.  Our focus questions for the week are “How do we make and keep friends?” and “How can we be part of the group?”We will be focusing on “group activities,” working together and cooperation.   One of our art projects this week is called circle of friends in which a group of friends will make a circle with hand prints.  This is a great cooperative activity as the children need to decide on colors, and how many hands they need and how a circle units them. Our letters of the week are G and H and our math will focus on counting 0-5.

One of our books this week is the Gingerbread man.  We will be using Gingerbread Playdough (it always smells so good) and making Goo together as a class.

A few housekeeping items:

***please make sure you have completed all SUTQ paperwork and BOTH ASQ questionnaires online*** 

EEC Open House is this Thursday from 6-7:30.

As we are participating in Step Up to Quality we have decided to offer fall conferences to our families.  These conferences will be brief as we need to complete all our paperwork on all our students and have parent signatures on a review of the ASQ and ASQ-SE.  We will schedule conferences again the week of Thanksgiving to review your child’s quarterly progress with you.  Please sign up for a time on the signup genius that will be emailed out.  I will be available the night of Open house along with Sept. 22Sept 26th and October 3rd.  For those families I see daily, there will be no need for you to schedule a conference.  I can review the results with you at drop off and have you sign off on the review.  If these dates do not fit into your family’s schedules, please email me and we will work something out.  I would love to see you all before I leave.

 Scholastic Book Fair is all week 18-22

School pictures are October 19th- forms will be going home soon

As you all know my last day with students will be October 6th as my hip surgery is on the following Monday.  I really do not want to have this done (again) but I personally am having a great deal of pain and it is becoming ever so difficult for me to give 100% of myself to the students.  I know that they will be in good hands and I will return the second week of January.


Beginning school week 3

Who works at your school?

This week we will be learning about who works at our school and their jobs.  We will also begin our look at our families.  We have all different kind of families as we will learn in the story Charlie Anderson.  It is a sweet story about a cat who lives in two different homes.

We will introduce the letters E and F along with our math study of sorting.

Music begins this week with Miss Alicia .


We received the grant for the University Circle Initiative!!  Our first field trip will be Oct 5th to the Music Settlement and their outside classroom.  Last year it was amazing to see the children play and learn outside.  Of course this is for the afternoon students only.

Permission slips and a sign up genius will be sent out soon for families to sign up to be chaperones.  A permission slip has to be signed by a parent for your child to attend.

We look forward to participating in this program again this year and know it will be a worthwhile experience for all the students.

A big thanks to Martha Holden Jennings Foundation for the grant!!!





Week 2-Beginning school

It appears that the students have adjusted very well returning to school.  It was a fast week!

This week we will only have three days, but those three days will be filled with fun things and talking about our emotions.

The question of the week is “What should you do if you get sad or scared at school?”  We will discuss ways that we can tell our friends and teachers how we are feeling.  The students will be working on the Letters C and D along with counting from 0-5 with the use of manipulatives.

Our story this week is Wemberley Worried by Kevin Henkes