Happy Holiday

This week we will devote our time at school to activities surrounding the Holiday. We will be reading stories that include manipulatives for the students to play with including, If you take a Mouse to the Movies, The First Snow and 10 on a Sled.  The housekeeping area will be designated the gift wrapping area, the sensory table will be filled with ice or scissors and pine needles or wrapping paper.  We will strengthen our fine motor skills with making candy cane ornaments made out of beads, a que tip snowflake and a math tree.

Wednesday is our last day with students and will be Pajama Day.  Have your child dress in their favorite pajamas and get ready for the Polar Express.  We will serve hot chocolate and cookies to the children for snack.


On behalf of the entire DAP team I would like to wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday and we will see you in the New Year.

Who Makes Clothing is the question?

This week our question of the week is Who makes clothing?  We will continue to ask this question all week as we read The Jacket I wear in the Snow and Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up her Wash.  The students have really enjoyed examining their own clothing as to if it soft or scratchy and if it has numbers or letters on it.  These questions are great ways to stimulate conversation with your child.

Mrs. Sheridan our Speech Pathologist will be in our room on Monday to re-read the story The Jacket I wear In the Snow and work on speech goals.

We will be finishing our Christmas gifts, reviewing the letters D, E and F, patterning and having fun along the way.

Winter Program: Please make sure you have turned in your seat request for the Winter Program.  If not ,you can attend the dress rehearsal on Thursday morning at 10AM. For our afternoon students who attend the dress rehearsal, families are responsible for them as the AM class is in session.  You will need to take them home after the dress rehearsal and bring them back for class in the PM.  ***Please be at school no later than 6:45 and in the room for the Winter Program.

We are singing, The Reindeer Pokey, Do you want to build a snowman and This little light of mine.  We are so excited to sing for you all!!


This week we will be reading Sneezy the Snowman youtu.be/uOWKdqK6O9o and the Paperbag Princess   youtu.be/hIPrb-sA6Uo

Both books talk about a variety of clothing.  Sneezy the Snowman melts at the end of the story and the children will be making a melted snowman out of glue and shaving cream.  In the Paperbag Princess, the children will make paperbag vests of their own creations to wear.  We will continue washing our clothes in the dramatic play area and sorting clothes by color.  We will be counting the clothing that we wash as our Math concept this week is counting.  As our Fundations program has come to an end with learning the letters and their sounds, we will be review the letters and sounds until we leave for holiday break.  When we return, we will begin to learn to write them using  Fundation’s concepts.

On Monday, Mrs.Sheridan, SLP will be in the room and be a center where she will read Sneezy the Snowman to the students while working on their language skills.


Picture Retakes are scheduled for Monday, December 4th.

The PM class field trip will be at the Natural History Museum on Thursday this week.

We are in need of snack for the month.  We are also in desperate need of paper towels.  If you could send some in that would be terrific.

The concert songs have been chosen and we will be performing:

  1. The Reindeer Pokey(hokey pokey tune)  2. An original song written by Miss Alicia our music teacher (sung to the tune of Do You Want to Build a Snowman) and 3.This Little Light of Mine performed in sign language.  We will send home the words and a video of the signs this next week.  Each song is short and easy to learn.  We can’t wait!!!

Each day gets busier and busier and I am glad to be back with the children!!!