My Goal for third Quarter

This is my goal for third quarter. My goal for third quarter is taking my time on projects and papers. I will improve this by making sure that I am double-checking my work, showing more depth, and working slowly. I will achieve this by making sure that I work slowly and that I pay attention to what is being asked. If I do this, I will get better grades during this quarter, which is very good. This is what I will improve for the third quarter.

If my pets could talk

If my pets could talk to me, I think that they would say several things.Mittens, Misty, and Paws are cats.Lilly Peatsa is a gerbil. These are my ideas of what they would say:

Mittens would say:

  • “Hello.”
  • “I like to be petted.”
  • “I don’t like it when you step on my tail.”
  • “Why do you sometimes feed me so late?”
  • “Why don’t you pay attention to me anymore?”
  • “Will you please give me an extra can of gravy food tonight?”

Paws would say:

  • “I want you to pet me while I sleep.”
  • “I want you to feed me more often.”
  • “I want you to please my belly and feed me extra food tonight.”
  • “I wish that you would let me have my own room.”
  • “I like it when I get to sleep on your lap.”

Misty would say:

  • “I want you to pet me, but , I also want to bite you.”
  • “I hear voices.They tell me to attack you.”
  • “I like to roll in piles of dust.”
  • “If you do not like my changes, then I might want to edit your face.”
  • “Can I have your cheeseburger?”

And finally, Lilly Peatsa would say:

  • “Pay more attention to me.”
  • “Clean my cage more often.”
  • “Give me fresh water more often.”
  • “I will bite if I feel afraid.”

This is what I think that my pets would say if they could talk.

Letter to Santa

December 10,2012

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like an Ipod touch.I think that I deserve to get this because I have been on my best behavior almost all year,and I would really like to have at this item.I would like you to get me the Ipod touch the most because I’m not supposed to get one from my Grandma until my birthday,and I have been begging for one for a long time.I have even already promised my parents and siblings that I would share it if they wanted or needed to use it for something.I also promised that I would download games that my brother and sister could play, too.Please bring me this item for Christmas!

Merry Christmas,



My Thanksgiving Break

My Thanksgiving Break

By Anna H.

This is about my Thanksgiving break .So,on Friday I slept over at my Grandma’s house ,until Saturday afternoon,then when I got home, I made a Christmas Countdown chain-link to help count down the days until Christmas,because if I don’t,my brother and sister will get all crazy every day asking,”Is it Christmas yet?”,or,”How many more days until Christmas?”. On Sunday ,I went to my room and read all day.On Monday,I went to the movies,and I saw the movie “Wreck It Ralph”with my mom,sister,brother,and my friend,her brother,and her mom. On Tuesday,I went up to the attic,and read three or four more chapters in the Hunger Games book,”Mocking Jay”. On Wednesday,I started packing for when I went to my aunt’s house in Columbus for Thanksgiving.On Thanksgiving Thursday,I got up at 6:00 a.m. to go to my aunt’s house in Columbus for Thanksgiving.After dinner,I had a piece of cherry,and a piece of pumpkin pie .On Friday ,I saw the movie”Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings.”,with my brother and sister on the television while my parents went out Black Friday shopping.On Saturday,I went to my other aunt’s house,to celebrate another Thanksgiving.There,after dinner,I had a piece of pumpkin,and a piece of apple pie .On Sunday,the last day of Thanksgiving break,I went to our family and friend Thanksgiving get together out in Bay.There,after dinner,I had two pumpkin cookies,and a piece of pumpkin meringue  pie with roasted marshmallow on top.This is my Thanksgiving break blog!

By:Anna H.

Personification blog

My personification blog is about my stuffed dog that can talk,and his name is Kris.Kris loves to play fetch,get belly rubs,and play things,just like a real dog.Kris can also bark,growl,and whine,just like a real dog can.He is an awesome pet,is very cuddly,and loves to play.One time,Kris ran off while we were in the park,and I couldn’t find him.So,I headed down to the animal shelter to see if he was there.The lady at the desk said that she hadn’t seen him,but she will keep an eye out for him.After a while,I looked in the forest,and I heard a bark that sounded just like his.I looked up in a tree,and I found him barking in a bird’s nest.I was happy that I found him,and I contacted the animal shelter to make sure they didn’t waste their time looking for him.Kris was very happy that I found him,and licked me like crazy.Kris always loved me after that,and is the fuzziest puppy ever.

The End

Blog for pets affecting people’s lives

  1. Q:People have kept pets for generations.In general,how do pets affect people’s lives?
  2. A:Pets affect peoples lives by making them have to have responsibility,a concentrated mind,and the supplies to meet the pet(s) needs and/or wants.The responsibility part is important,because you need to be able to be counted on by your parents,friends,or whoever might ask you to watch their pets while on vacation.The concentrated mind helps because if you try to concentrate on what your pet wants,you just might be able to find out what they need,or want.The supplies are one of the most important thing that you should have,and trust me on this one,because I am the proud owner of three cats and a gerbil.The supplies are important,because if you don’t have what your pet needs or wants,then you will lose your pet’s trust,and trust me,that isn’t good.The pets affect people’s lives by helping them gain traits that they might not have had beforehand.My pets are always counting on me,and gaining my trust more and more every single day,and if you follow this paragraph,yours will do the same with you too.Make sure your pet always has whatever he or she may want,or you may lose their trust,which is never good.I hope you will always have the trust of your pets,because when you lose their trust,and trust me,you’ll want it back more than anything.