Journal Five: Movie Magic

My favorite movie is Frozen. I like this movie because it is very cute. I really understood the plot of the story; it made a lot of sense. I loved all the characters, but only one can be named my favorite character. I would have to say that my favorite character is a snowman named Olaf. Olaf is voiced by Josh Gad.  Olaf really likes warm hugs. He is brought to life using the queen’s magical powers. Olaf is definately the most friendly snowman in the mountains above the kingdom, Arendelle.  He somehow manages to disassemble himself at times, which makes me laugh a lot. I think that Olaf has a very outgoing personality. Olaf has a dream to live to see summer. It may be the most impossible dream ever- or is it?

Olaf says so many funny things throughout the movie, and he says many heartwarming things as well. One of my favorite things that Olaf says is, “Some people are worth melting for. But not right this second!” He says this while he is by a fire with Princess Anna. You can look below for a picture of Olaf.

The movie is about when the queen traps the kingdom in an eternal winter. Princess Anna then teams up with a mountain man named Kristoff on a quest to find the queen and end the icy spell. They encounter many troubles, mystical creatures, and magic at every turn. Princess Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save their kingdom from it’s horrible fate.

Here is the movie trailer!

Journal 4: Super Singers!

    For Language Arts, we have to do a project on our favorite singer or band. Here is mine!

My favorite singer is Taylor Swift.  She is my favorite because my dad listened to her songs all the time when I was little,  and even since then I’ve loved her music. My favorite song by her is “A Place in this World”.  It’s my favorite because that was the first song by Taylor Swift that my dad had me listen to. I also like “Teardrops on my Guitar”.   I like it because it was another one of the first Taylor Swift songs that I listened to with my dad.

Taylor Swift is twenty-four years old, and was born on December 13, 1989.  She was born in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania .   She started making songs at age five, and released her first album at age sixteen. At age ten, she sang at a variety of local events, including fairs and contests. At age eleven, she sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” at a Philadelphia sports event. At age twelve, she began writing her own songs, and learning to play guitar.

Taylor Swift released her first single in 2006. Her debut album sold more than 2.5 million copies. In 2008, she was nominated for a Grammy award in the “Best New Artist” category. She won the Academy of Country Music’s  “Female Vocalist of the Year” award, the American Music Awards “Favorite Female Country Artist” award, and the American Music Association’s “Horizion” award. Around this time, she also released her second album, “Fearless” . By the end of the year, she became the highest-selling country artist of 2008.

Go to the website for more information!

Scale Model Project




How I did this project:

First,, I measured all of the walls in meters. Then, I measured five pieces of furniture in the room(in meters).  I chose to do two couches, my table, the TV cabinet, and the TV itself. After I measured  all of the items in the room, I converted all of my measurements in meters to centimeters. After I did that, I went to the scaling website that Mrs. Conner posted on Edmodo and scaled down all of my measurements. I used a 1:15 scale. Then, I went into floorplanner. I put in pieces of furniture that looked like the actual ones at my house. Then, I put in all of the scaled and actual measurements. I put the actual in meters, and the scale in centimeters. When I was building it, I made the floor and the walls one night, the couches and the table the next night, and the TV cabinet and the TV the night after that. On the night before it was due I put all of the furniture into the room. Then I brought my finished project in on Monday.

That is how I did my scale model project!!

Journal 3: Brand New and Better

In Language Arts, we had a project to find a new or relatively new product, and critique it. Today, I will critique the new Apple I phone 5s.

The new Apple I phone 5s  comes in gold, silver, and gray.  The phone has a beautiful aluminum outside. The metal and the glass of the phone are amazingly smooth. There is sapphire crystal  in the home button, and, the crystal is used to protect the amazing I Sight camera. The phone looks and feels amazingly light.

The case for this amazing device is made from hand-selected leather. Each case looks and feels amazing. Even better, it is made to fit only your I phone 5s , and the phone still feels unbelievably light with the case on. The case is made to cover the volume buttons, the on/off switch, and the curved edge of the I phone.  There are even holes for the speaker cut into the case! On the inside, it has a soft microfiber lining to protect the outside of the phone. On the outside , the color is amazing. Thanks to a special dye that is infused to the leather, the color isn’t just surface deep. There are six different  colors to choose from, including a red TM edition.

Many people check their phones dozens upon dozens of times a day. Having to put in a pass code slows you down! Everyone knows that you do it to make sure that if some one else ever gets your phone, they can’t access the information. Well, say goodbye to pass codes! Now, with the new Apple I phone 5s, you can unlock your phone using the new Touch ID fingerprint identity sensor! Put your finger on the home button of your phone, and just like that, your phone unlocks! Your fingerprint can also approve purchases from the I Tunes store, the App Store, and the I Books store, without having to put in your password! Touch ID also lets you add multiple fingerprints, so that the people you trust can also have access.

There’s fast. There’s also A7 fast. The new A7 chip gives you computer and graphics performance two times better than the A6 chip. The A7 chip makes the  phone 5s the first-ever 64 bit smartphone in the world. That’s desktop class architecture in a slim smartphone!


The M7 coprocessor is like a sidekick to the A7 chip. It is designed to track your motion from an accelerometer,  gyroscope, and compass. That kind of task would normally go to the A7 chip. The M7 is more efficient at it, though. Fitness apps that track physical activity can get the data through the M7 coprocessor without constantly engaging the A7 chip. the M7 also knows if you’re walking, running, driving, or even sleeping! For example, Maps switches from driving to walking by using turn by turn navigation. Like if you park your car, and then walk to somewhere. If your phone hasn’t moved for a while, like when you’re asleep, the M7 coprocessor will reduce how much network is being used to save the phone’s battery.

The new I Sight camera is capable of so many things. It has a larger sensor, and more pixels. It has continuous burst mode, or a mode that lets you take up to ten pictures at once!  It has white and amber LED to adjust the flash intensity and the amount of color shown in the photo. It even has automatic stabilization for shaky or blurry photos. It has slow motion video, too. You can also zoom in three times closer while recording a video. You can also put it on square mode, which automatically crops your photo into a square shape. You can even take landscape photos! There are also photo filters.


Overall, I think that the I Phone 5s is an amazing new product in technology. I really recommend this product for anyone who loves brand new and better technology.

There is more information on this amazing new technology on the website!





Journal 2: Survey Time!

For this journal, we had to create fun surveys for our classmates to answer! Our surveys could be on almost any topic we wanted. It was so much fun to answer everyone’s survey. Some were on shoes, others on pizza, and some were about what you like to do in each season!

 My survey was about after school activities. For the results of my survey, I was surprised that one person actually liked to do homework after school. Usually kids don’t like to do homework after school, but one person selected homework as their answer. I was also surprised that only six out of twenty-six people like to do sports after school. I thought that I would have at least ten people who chose that they like to do sports after school, but my classmates proved me to be wrong.

       I chose that I like to read after school, because it’s totally true! I love to read books, because sometimes I feel like I can actually hear what the characters are saying, and sometimes I feel like I am right there with the characters. I also like reading because the books can help you learn sometimes, and other times it is just a creative story that you can read for fun! In other words, reading is fun!

Here is my survey:

Journal 1: Bag of Personality

Two weeks ago we were assigned a project to create a bag filled with stuff that represents our personality. One week ago, we shared these projects with our classmates. We learned a lot of things that we never knew about each other.

I brought in a little key chain because I sort of like to collect things like that. I think that they are really cute. I have about ten of them at home… and I usually put a different one on either my lunch bag or my backpack every week. I brought in a notebook because I really like to write about things. I am really good at writing horror stories with a little hint of romance in them. I am working on a comedy/mystery story right now, which is a little out of my league, but that’s okay. I brought in a blue pen because I like to occasionally illustrate my stories that I write, and because I really enjoy drawing things, even though I am really bad at drawing and painting.

I brought in a plate with yarn wrapped around it because I really like to do crafts, and that is one of the numerous crafts I have made. I made it when I was at an ice skating camp three weeks ago. I made it during our craft hour, and finished it  while my mom was in an one hour long meeting. It was really fun to make. Even though it took two hours to make it, it was totally worth it. I brought in a pair of swimming goggles, because on hot days, I love to go swimming at the pool with my friends. I have had these goggles for a long time, and they work really well.

Lastly, I brought in a headband because I love doing hair. The story behind it:

My church does this sort of carnival thing for special needs children. I got to work in a hair styling area,  and it was a great experience. I really loved doing it. After we got home, I begged my dad if I could do it again, and he agreed. I am so happy that I get to do it again!

Tweety Bird and Sylvester

We’ve all seen Sylvester and Tweety Bird, and it’s no joke, cats and birds are natural enemies. However, there are exceptions to every rule. Check out this amazing story about how a cat and a bird were not enemies, but rather friends.

I learned that the phrase,”You should never judge a book by it’s cover” is true. Even though we believe that birds and cats could never be friends, through this story, we find that we were wrong. I really think that this story was amazing. We, as humans, believe that this kind of thing could never happen, but through stories like this one, we always end up proving ourselves wrong.

My Spring Break

My spring break was fun, but also, to me, a little bit, well, BORING(because we didn’t have school…). Well, on Saturday my family and I went with our friends to decorate candyat a place which I don’t remember the name of. I got to help make home-made choclate bunnies. On Sunday, I went over to my cousin’s house and I played barbies with my little cousin, and we did other stuff too. In their basement, they have a swing, monkey bars, a climbing rope, and a rock wall! We goofed around on that stuff for a while too. On Monday I stayed home, and read and played computer all day.Then, that night I had skating for like, two hours or so. On Tuesday, I seriously didn’t do much. I was at home reading for a while, then I played computer for like, maybe an hour, and then my mom said it was time for us to do some cleaning(GROAN). Well, I did do the cleaning. Guess what? Apparently, we were cleaning up so we could move the television so we could see it and then we watched a movie. I think that it was  The Rise of the Guardians , but I don’t remember. I got to make homemade smores, and we also ate twizzlers during the movie. I had skating for an hour afterwards. On Wednesday, I went swimming from like, 9:00 a.m. until like, 12:00 noon. After that I went to get my hair cut. That evening, I had my choir concert out in Bay Village. I guess you could say that it went pretty well. On Thursday, we went to see the movie The Croods with my grandmother. Then we went over to my cousin’s house for like, the THIRD TIME!!!!!!!! On Friday we went to my cousin’s house for the FOURTH TIME!!!!!! On Saturday , I’m pretty sure that we were at home all day, so I read and played on computer! On Sunday, it was Easter. From my parents I got candy, A LOT OF IT! From my one grandmother I got 3 huge candy things, and a coloring kit. From my other grandmother, I got a $50 Justice gift card. On Monday, read during the morning, and then I went to ice skating for an hour, then I had to go to a wake for my dad’s friend’s mother. That is my spring break story.