Building week 4

This week we will be focusing on what materials go into buildings.  The dramatic play area will be set up as a construction site.  They will be able to use and look at real blue prints!!   The kids will have the opportunity to use real tools like hammers and screwdrivers to create and explore. This week will be begin building our own boats and creating a mock city map with familiar buildings from Fairview Park.    Math this week we will be focusing on sorting and the letter of the week is L.

Building with marshmallows last week was very successful and you will get to see the students products when they bring them home this week.  They really loved it and making igloos was a challenge.

For the PM class, this week in art we will be making a valentine to take upstairs with us when we visit Ms. Smith’s  Kindergarten class on Wednesday.    As you may remember, the kindergartners came down to show the students Coding.  This visit we will be learning how to use ChatterPix.  The students in the end will be able to make pictures talk.  It will be great fun to see what they create together.  Also, visiting the Kindergarten classes will begin to show our soon to be kindergartners what life is like “upstairs.”

Also, the afternoon class will have their Monday class with Miss Ablea from the University Circle Initiative.  This week we will be going to the Museum of Contemporary Art.  This unit should be very interesting.  Last field trip was so fun for everyone!  Ice skating was a huge success!!

On Tuesday we have ZUMBA class !!! AM class 9:30 and PM class 1:15.  This is always a fun class to take and the kids have a great time.  Watch Seesaw for posts of your child is having fun and learning in DAP.


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