What are our Rules?

This week we will be asking the children What are our rules at school?  We will review the rules in the building and with each other while we are in the classroom.



This week is the letter is S.  We will make a snake or choose to paint.  We will practice making the letter S on a page that reinforces the skyline, airplane line (middle line) and the grass line-bottom.  Kindergarten uses this program called  Fundations.  The children will see the letter S and picture of something that begins with S and then make the sound ie) S, snake /s/.  This will be how we will teach the children the letter and the corresponding sound.  It is amazing how quickly they will pick up the sound and letter identification.  We will also begin to assess all of our students in the next few weeks as the Ohio Department of Education strongly suggests that all of our students are assessed within the first 30 days of school.  This truly is a baseline to see what they know and what they need to learn!!

If you have not filled out your transition from day care to school sheet and or roster please let me know and I will email it to you.  The Step Up to Quality Folks have not come yet but they could any day.

The ASQ link is in the process of being loaded to the website.  When it is up and running we will let you know.  Also if you get a link for Seesaw please click on it and I will welcome you to the group.  It really is a super way to see what your student in doing.  I will try to upload pictures and videos at least twice a week if not more!!

PM Class ONLY:

In the next week or so we will be sending out our sign up sheet through Sign Up Genius for the first field trip to the Museum which will be Dunham Tavern.  More information to come in the nest week or so on the museum.  We can allow 5 chaperones per field trip per class along with staff.school-busEducation-quotes-Education-is-our-passport-to-the-future-for-tomorrow-belongs-to-the-people-who-prepare-for-it-todayCome and join the fun!


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