Complementary Colors are across from each other on the Color Wheel. When you mix complementary colors together they make gray.
1. Before you begin, review Optical Art 1 Project.
2. Use a complementary color scheme (colors across from each other on the color wheel). For example, the color blue‘s complement is orange, because it is directly across from it on the color wheel.
Click here to learn more about complementary colors.
Watch this video to see how to do the Op Art 2 Project:
Try using some of the new tools we talked about in class in this project:
Rectangle Tool: 
Ellipse Tool: 
Rounded Rectangle Tool: 
Remember each of the tools above have 3 features, you can draw shapes with:
Borders: (Draws a shape using the Foreground color as the border.)
Fills: (Uses the foreground color to make one solid filled-in shape.)
Borders + Fills: (Draws the shape using the Foreground color as the Border and the Background color as the fill.)
*Notice the Foreground square is Violet (Border) and the Background square is Orange (Fill).
Here is an example of an Op Art design using complementary colors:
In this design I used Yellow and Violet, two complementary colors. What colors are you going to use?
Choose any color (no BROWN,black, gray or white)
Create your Op Art design using grid lines and solid shapes.
Fill in the shapes like a checkerboard.
Find the complement to your first color using the color wheel. *Remember, complements are directly across from each other on the color wheel.
Fill in the rest of the shapes with your second complementary color.