Optical Art 1

whatdo ido

Create your own piece of Op Art using the app SketchBook X.

Step 1:

Open sketchbook X

Step 2:

Use the Line tool to create some vertical lines.

Click to start the line, stretch it out, and then release to end the line. Repeat about 8+ times.

Step 3:

Now draw some horizontal lines across the page. Repeat about 8+ times.

Step 4:

Important! Use the line tool to draw a box around the edges, creating solid shapes all the way around.

Step 5:

Use the Paint Bucket Tool to fill in the shapes. Start at the top and go to the bottom of the first row, black, white, black, white, etc. Until you get all the way to the bottom.

Fill in the next row, go white, black, white, black, etc. all the way down.

Repeat this over in over until the whole thing looks like a checkerboard.

Step 6:

Save your file.

Press: Command key icon Command+S


Click File>Save.

Save your files this way:


Step 10:

Give yourself a pat on the back, you just created your first piece of Op Art!


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