Article 11

Trump Camp’s Talk of Registry and Japanese Internment Raises Muslim Fears
New York Times
Jonah Engel Bromwich 17 November 2016

Who: Carl Higbie
What: Muslim registry
Where: America
When: Trump’s presidency
Why: protect America from Muslim threat

With Donald Trump being elected, the possibility of Muslim registations have become possible. Carl Higbie was a Great America PAC spokesman who referred to Kris Kobach’s suggestion that they make a Muslim registry. The controversy over the topic spread rapidly with many groups pointing to the relevance the suggestion has to the Japanese interment camps, and even as far as Nazi Germany with Jews. Mr. Although Mr. Higbie is not connected to the party official, many give reason to doubt the policy Mr. Kobach as discriminatory. The policy was pasted in 2002, but only lasted a year before wide spread criticism make the law repealed.

My opinion is with the activist groups in that a registry would be discriminate to people coming to the United States, which goes against the First Amendment and more.
I learned that people within Trump’s circle are some of the less liked politicians who never got their laws passed for all being unconstitutional.
This information effects the Muslims immigrating to this country, along with the Muslims in the country also.

How is this different than the Japanese interment camps?
How will this work?
Does Trump support this himself?

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