Progressive Era Newspaper

As we learned about the Progressive Era, we were tasked with picking a topic relating to the era and creating a newspaper about it. I picked the Bull Moose Party, from this topic we found four subtopics to write articles about. I was able to write about the William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt split, which discussed why Roosevelt and Taft had ended their friendship. I also discussed the election of 1912, which saw Taft, Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson running against each other. The nickname of the Bull Moose Party was also a subtopic and stemmed from Teddy Roosevelt himself. My last subtopic were the beliefs of the progressive platform which included the Bull Moose Party and Theodore Roosevelt. As well as writing four articles, we were tasked with finding at least three pictures to put into our newspaper. At the end of the project, we had a gallery walk. In this walk, we had to read at least three other classmate’s newspapers and write a reflection. My newspaper can be found below.

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