The Cyberbully

“ You’re a nobody,” read the comment sent to Sasha. 18 year old Sasha was doing her normal evening routine, sipping a mocha latte in her small New York apartment surrounded by sirens and noisy construction work outside the window. A notification came her phone from instagram saying that someone had left a comment so, she read it. A comment calling her fat and ugly was left by Nancy. Nancy is a 19 year old who had been brainwashed by a social post intended to turn people into bullies. Nancy finds photos leaves comments calling people fat or ugly but is not aware she is doing it. 

The next morning, Sasha went to school ready to bawl her eyes out. Nancy had posted a video online calling her the ugliest women the world. Sasha being the naive girl she is decided to fire back and wrote a comment of her own towards Nancy. Nobody ever told her that you can’t fight fire with fire. Nancy got so mad that she started sending messages like machine gun. Sasha was reading messages left and right, messages that broke her heart. “Your a nobody” read the comment to Sasha. “ Nobody likes you, everybody hates you” read another one. The sad thing is that cyberbullying will be the cause of death for many people in the future.  She ditched school that day and went crying under her covers.

Sasha decided that she wanted to do something about so she went to go find Nancy. She looked up Nancy online and found her address. It was a small, dingy hut by the water. She opened the door. Suddenly she was on the floor with Nancy standing on top of her, punching and kicking Sasha finally rose up on her feet. She located a baseball bat and threatened Nancy.

“ You take another step and I’ll hit you,” said Sasha.

Once she finally got Nancy to settle down, she told her story. She talked about coming home from school because of the mean comments, she talked about sobbing while watching the video and hiding out in her covers for hours.  

Nancy realized what a huge mistake she had made and apologized greatly to Sasha. They decided to start a youtube channel together to help encourage young girls who had been victims of bullying. Their youtube channel blew up because their first video where they talked about their story went viral. They were invited onto a talk where they talked about their story together. When they saw how many young women and men had been victims of cyberbullying, they decided to make a change.

Nancy and Sasha became motivational speakers for women who were too afraid to speak themselves. They started touring around the U.S.A talking about their story and how other girls can stand up to their bullies. Nancy and Sasha also talked about other people’s stories who unfortunately ended their own lives before they could tell their stories themselves. Hoping to have encouraged young women they started doing talk show appearances to help motivate even more women.  Nancy has learned that cyberbullying affects many lives and can be very hurtful to people because Sasha’s help in trying to get her to realize the error of her ways. Nancy and Sasha are now best friends, motivational speakers, and are trying to encourage young women to stand up to bullies.

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