The Finest Moments of The Finest Hours

The movie the Finest Hours is about a rescue mission led by Bernie Webber that saved over 30 men from a ship that split in half. Everyone expected Bernie and his crew to fail so when the crew came back alive with 30 survivors on a rescue boat built for 12, the world was in […]

Do you have a super heavy backpack? Then you need a Rollie Pack!

Do you have a super heavy backpack and do you ever get tired of lugging it around? For a school project, we had to create an invention that help or entertain others. Our invention was backpack to help with posture and to solve that problem of super heavy backpacks. We call it The Rollie Pack. […]

Saving City X with 3D Printer Powers

Humans have just landed on an alien planet, and they’ve found an area for their first city, City X. The only resource they brought with them was a 3D printer. They were starting to encounter some problems that they needed our help to solve. We were given a challenge to create new inventions with the […]

An Impact on me from my Family Tree

I created a family tree so that I could learn more about my family. I interviewed some family members to use in my tree. I interviewed my siblings, parents and grandparents. By creating this tree, I learned about my family members and my life was impacted by some of the interesting things I learned. One […]

Similarities of our Styles

I created a survey for my family which I could analyze to learn more about the personal paths of my family and compare them to mine. I found many similarities and differences and I was also influenced by the information, too. The responses for the first 2 questions of my survey show that my family […]

Bag o’ Stories

“The thing that is really hard, really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” Said Anna Quindlen, and that is what Girl Scouts is about. This year, I am a Cadet in Girl Scouts. I have been a Girl Scout since I was 7, so I have been […]