Speaking Out Project Reflection

In my English 9 class, I composed a persuasive speech (see the previous post) about solving a prevalent issue in today’s society: underage drinking. After writing my speech, I feel that I did an adequate job of expressing my point. I am certain that I chose relevant sources and found good information to support my argumentative […]

Youth Alcoholism – Persuasive Speech Essay

        Each year, over 4,300 youths and teens die due to underage drinking and youth alcoholism. Underaged drinking and youth alcoholism are defined as instances where adolescents under the age of 21 consume alcoholic beverages illegally. In many states, minors are allowed to consume alcohol under certain circumstances, such as for educational, medical, […]

Fact or Fiction Project Reflection

     In my most recent English project, I dove into the literary world to determine what was more beneficial to learn from in education: nonfiction text or fictional writing? (see previous post) In addition to this, I created four analytical paragraphs that broke down two nonfiction articles and the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Nelle […]

Which Is Better To Learn From In Education – Fact or Fiction?

       In education, it is more beneficial to learn from nonfiction texts rather than fictional writing. Nonfiction text includes material that is crucial for learning and conveys important central ideas. For instance, “Mattel defined gender norms with Barbie and Ken; now it defies them” is an article written by Kim Bellware that discusses […]

Defining Self Reflection

During a recent project in my English class, we explored the concept of theme, as well as many writing strategies that authors use to enhance their work. As a final product, I created a personal narrative that describes an important event in my life. I chose to write about an incident that occurred when I […]