Earthquake-Resistant Building Project


This is a picture of what our completed building looks like.


I think that from this project, I learned that working with a team, especially when you have a limited “budget” can be quite difficult. It was challenging to agree on things as a group, like what to spend our money on, or how to design the building. Eventually, we had to compromise a little, so that everyone’s design idea’s were combined as one. It was also tough to work with limited resources. We had to be extremely careful to ensure we weren’t accidentally snapping the spaghetti sticks, tearing the minature marshmallows, or cutting the tape too small. Because our budget was so limited, we couldn’t afford to damage any of our materials, especially since we decided against purchasing the insurance options. I think if I were to do this project over again, I would’ve been more careful on the last day of the project, and to not have messed with our building. This is because when we walked into class the day we’d test our buildings, one of the posts went missing from the bottom of our building. Instead of removing the other three posts from the bottom, we tried to take off an extra piece of tape from the top, but all we accomplished was breaking one of the spaghetti noodles, which was extremely difficult to fix in the 5 minutes left before presentations started. In the end, this was an extremely interesting, and also quite difficult project.


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