Reflection on Bomb Debate

  I personally thought that the “Agree” side of our debate won, as in, the other side won the debate. They seemed to be much more prepared than we were, in fact, we were still editing right before we started speaking. They were a lot more confident in what they had prepared, however, most of us on the “Disagree” side stuttered quite frequently. I learned many things from this project, but one of them definitely stands out, and that would be this. Everyone in a group needs to do their work on time, and as a group, otherwise, one or two people end up doing everything. If one person does everything, then no one else actually learns anything at all. I learned that being one of the people that gets left with all the work is an awful thing, and I wish I would’ve done more about it at the time. Overall, I thought this assignment was a good one. It gave us the chance to work as a team towards a common goal, which is a very good learning experience.

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