Artists learn many ways to arrange shapes.
Do these arrangements give you an idea for a collage?
This arrangement is called a repeated pattern.
The shapes are in rows.
The spaces between the shapes are even.
This arrangement is called a radial design.
The shapes seem to go toward the center or away from it.
This is a formal design. In a formal design, the left and right sides of the design are alike.
Sometimes the top and bottom are alike.
This arrangement is an informal design. There are many informal designs.
Here the large shapes are placed on one side.
The small shapes are placed on the other side.
Collage: Ways to Arrange Shapes
Try several ways to arrange your shapes.
Choose the arrangement or design you like best.
Have the teacher check your design.
glue the shapes down on the background paper.
PUT YOUR COLLAGE ON A PIECE OF CARDBOARD and put it in the drying rack.