Artist Name: Georgia O’Keeffe
Born: November 15, 1887
Died: March 6, 1986
Nationality: American
Field: Painting
Movement: American Modernism
Encouraging her to develop her own style, Stieglitz helped promote her work.
She became famous for her close-up paintings of flowers and desert scenes of the American southwest.
O’Keeffe abstracted objects and painted in such an expressionistic way that many people think she was one of the best artists of her time.
Mixed Media: Georgia O’Keeffe Flowers & Bones
Choose to draw either flowers or bones or BOTH!
Sketch it out on your paper large using pencil (or sketches school on your iPAD).
Color in the flower or bones using oil pastels or any materials you have available (OR USE THE PASTEL TOOL ON SKETCHES SCHOOL).
Blend your colors using your fingers or a paper towel (or the smudge tool on sketches school).
Paint the background using watercolors (or the watercolor or Paintbrush tool).