Marc Chagall. I and the Village. 1911. Oil on Canvas. Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund, Museum of Modern Art, NY.
Use what you have learned about this artist Marc Chagall’s Painting I and the Village to design a drawing that communicates a narrative or story.
Develop your idea. Think about three feelings you have experienced, such as love, fear, joy or anxiety. Write a few paragraphs about the events that made you feel this way.
Sketch. Make some sketches based on your writing. Look in magazines and on the internet for photographs for references. *Make sure your drawing is original, transform the referenced images to make them your own style.
Design your composition. Combine all of your smaller sketches into one drawing that creates a visual narrative. Once you have completed your composition, refine your design by erasing any unwanted pencil lines.
Add color. Think about the mood you want to show. after you choose your color scheme. Start working with color pencils to color in your design. Press lightly at first. work on shadows and highlights, then warm colors and cool colors. Use different techniques to show texture.
Review your work. Look over your artwork to make sure all areas are colored in well. Be sure to include your name and code on the back before you turn it in!