Building study wk 3

This week we will be visiting the Arctic and read Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester.  https://youtu.be6dMidnGLRGI

This week we will build igloo’s out of marshmallows, build structures out of marshmallows and toothpicks for STEM .  We will build structures out of the letters N, A, G, D, B, and K and also a map of our community out of shapes.  For science we will build a pendulum and knock down buildings that the students have created.  This should be great fun and an opportunity to learn about pendulums.  Our math this week includes identifying shapes.  I think that the students are really enjoying this unit and have had great fun building all different kinds of structures.

A great big thank you to all the PM families who went on our first Friday field trip to the Cleveland Art Museum.  It was super fun and the ice skating was a huge success!

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly. ~Proverb