Color week

This week we will be taking a break from our curriculum as the whole building celebrates color week in honor of St. Patrick’s Day and hopefully Spring!! Get ready to wear different colors all week!!

Our colors this week are as follows:

Monday- RED

Tuesday- ORANGE

Wednesday- YELLOW

Thursday- while the rest of the building is doing PURPLE/BLUE, we will be doing GREEN for ST. PATRICK’S DAY (our favorite holiday!!!!) since the kids are not here on Fridays

Our books this week are Rainbow Fish and Mouse Paint.  There will be other books in the library area for them to read and look at different books about color.

Our centers will be focused on different colors and art projects to go along with the books.  Our math lesson this week we will focus on sorting and making patterns out of Lucky Charm cereal.  Out letters are S and T, we will be using colored chalk in the writing center.

This is always a fun week and gets us all excited for Spring and the new colors to come!!!


Ball study week 1


This week is our introduction to Balls.  We will be reading two stories, Play Ball and Bounce.  Both explore the subject of balls and how they are used in our daily lives.  See how many varieties of balls you have in your own home and we will see if your student can tell us about them when they come to school on Monday. Encourage them to identify their favorite kind of ball.

We will graph our favorite balls, see how many times they bounce and determine which ones are big and small.  Out letters for the week are Q and R. Encourage our child to practice writing their letters at home and remind them that we always start at the top of the page when beginning our letters.  We call it the skyline. We will be patterning a variety of balls for math.

PM class:  This week Miss Abela will visit us on Monday and talk to us about our up coming field trip to The Music Settlement.  We will hear about Dance stories with the Inlet Dancers.  This is a fun trip as the students get to dance with professional dancers and see what and how it feels to move in different ways.

Dr Seuss week

This week we will be celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday.  We will be reading Dr. Seuss books and doing silly things to celebrate his birthday.  The centers this week will be focused on the Dr. Seuss books we are reading along with other Dr. Seuss books. This is a great time to do silly rhyming with your kids just like he did!! This is our schedule of books and what we are doing:

Monday – Sleep Book – wear your pajamas to school

Tuesday – Green Eggs and Ham – wear something green to school

Wednesday – Wacky Wednesday – be wacky, wear your clothes inside out, or don’t match at all…it is up to you!

Thursday – Cat in the Hat – Wear your favorite hat

Our letters this week are O and P.  For math we will be focusing on counting to 20.

Last week of Olympics

Wow what a ride!!!  The kids have really been into the Olympics unit.  It has been very heart warming to hear about how involved they are getting into supporting ALL of the countries.  This week we will be talking about the ski jump and dramatic play area will be turned into our ski jump area where they can measure how long they are able to jump. Our letters of the week are M and N.  For art we will be making the Olympic mascot Soohorang.  In the literacy center this week we will be drawing and writing about our favorite Olympic event.

Next week is Dr. Seuss’s birthday, get ready for some fun activities everyday!!!


Last week we learned about the Olympics and that Germany was our country to watch.  We discussed what kind of competitions will occur and what they look like.

In the dramatic play area, the students were pretending to ice skate in the Olympic Village.  This week they will pretend to ski and ski jump.  We will be keeping track of how many medals Germany has won in each the bronze, silver and gold categories.  At the end of the Olympics we will see which country has won the most, and the least.  Please take time out of your busy schedule to watch the Olympics with your child.

We watched this video last week and the kids loved it!! They were able to watch USA and Germany race.

Our letters this week are K and L along with the math concept of patterning.

We will celebrate Valentines Day on Wednesday with making bags and delivering our Valentines to our friends.  Everything that day will be centered around Valentines.

Happy Valentines Day!!



Winter Olympics here we come………

Over the next three weeks we our theme in our building will be the Winter Olympics!  The building is really excited about this adventure.  Every class has been teamed up and have been assigned a country.  Our country is Germany.  Not only will we be learning about the Olympics but also our country.  The whole building will also be following and talking about the USA teams.

This week in our class we will be introducing the Olympics: what is it? what happens? etc. We will also be introducing our country Germany and talking about the torch lighting ceremony.

Dramatic play this week will be the Olympic village with an ice rink.  We will be building different sleds for our bobsled challenge we will have with the Kindergarten the last week of our unit.  We will be painting a German flag and playing curling and keeping score.

The whole building is very excited about this Olympic tour we are going to take together!!!


PM only: this week we have a field trip to the Botanical Gardens on Thursday.  Please make sure your child arrives  by 11:45 the bus leaves promptly at noon.



AND…..more buildings

This is our final week of our building unit and we will end it with a story about woodland friends who may loose their homes and work together to save their homes. (Dinosaur Woods) Materials from this book will be in the sensory table, along with bull dozers and sand.

We will also read a book called The Shape of Things and the students will be able to participate by adding shapes as the book is read to them.

Our letters for the week are G and H along with sorting for Math.  The students have really enjoyed this unit and playing in the sand and dramatic play area. The dramatic play area will have a large refrigerator box for the students to decorate like a building.


The next unit:

We will take a break from our curriculum for a few weeks as the Olympics will arrive at the EEC.  Each class in the building will be a country and help participate in this very exciting world event.

Buildings and Construction

This week our focus is “what are buildings made?” of and “what tools do we use?”.  We will be making our own buildings in centers by using Jenga blocks and play-dough, and marshmallows with toothpicks. In one center we will be making a map of our own town using real pictures of buildings in Fairview Park.  Our dramatic play area will be turned into a construction site!!! The sensory table will have wet sand and sand castle forms to make buildings. Our letters this week are E and F and Math will be focusing on shapes and using different shapes to draw our own building on blue prints. This is going to be a fun week!!!!


Buildings, Buildings, Buildings

Buildings Around Us!

This week we continue with our Building Study. We will look at pictures of buildings from our community and reading the stories, Buildings, Buildings, Buildings, and A Chair for Mother.  We will be using boxes to build, magnetic tiles to build with and items from our University Circle kit that includes building items.

This week we will be focusing on learning to write the upper case letters C and D along with their lower case partners.  Math will be counting items up to 20.  If a student can count higher we will support their skill development.

This is a short week for our students and hopefully the weather will allow us to come to school each day.  Please be sure to watch the weather each morning for school closings just in case.

We are in search of typical role models for next year.  If you have a friend who is interested in attending DAP, have them check the website for our link, which will be posted early next week, for the Spring screening on March 12.  Any questions regarding next year please don’t hesitate to email or talk to one of the teachers.

This is a really cool video on Buildings from all over the world.

Building Study

This week we start an exciting study which the kids really get into…our building study.  This is when we start to discuss what buildings are made of, we start to experiment how to make our own buildings, and experiment with different types of materials in different ways.  The kids really love this!!  This week we start back to the ABC’s with our Fundations curriculum and the kids start getting into writing letters and proper letter formation.  Our letters of the week are A and B.  Throughout the whole introduction of letter writing we will be using all different kids of hands on activities to expose learning in a multi-sensory way through play.  This week we will be using individual magna doddle boards.  Our books this week are The three little pigs and Changes, Changes, Changes.  We will investigate different ways to construct buildings and houses and test our structures to see if they hold up to a hair dryer (the big wolf)

You will be receiving an email explaining our January family project for the building.  We will be combining everyones project to make our own “Fairview Park”. This is a great time to be creative with your child!!!


PM class only:

We have a field trip this Thursday to MOCA.  Please make sure your child is at school by 11:45 the bus will leave promptly at noon.