Last Week of Beginning of Year Study

This week is our last week of our beginning of the year study.  Our focus questions of the week are “how do we make and keep friends?” and “how can we be part of the group?”. We are going to focus on “group activities”. One of our art projects this week will be called circle of friends in which a group of friends will make a circle with hand prints.  This is a great cooperative activity as the children need to decide on colors together and how many hands they need etc.  Our letters of the week are G and H and our math will focus on counting 0-5.

One of our books this week is the Gingerbread man.  We will be using Gingerbread Playdough (it always smells so good in the room) and making Goo together as a class.

A few house keeping items:

***please make sure you have completed all paperwork and BOTH questionnaires online***

EEC Open House is this Thursday from 6-7:30 (I also have conferences scheduled for this day); I also have Sept 26th, and October 3rd available for conferences so that I/we can get all Step Up to Quality paperwork completed. (please make sure you sign up for a slot or email me with issues)

Scholastic Book Fair is all week 18-22

School pictures are October 19th forms will be going home soon



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