[AP Research] Real World Connections

  [post two] Now that my AP Research project is complete, it can help the outside world by bringing to attention some of the negative topics that commonly appear in popular music. Several studies have observed that people youth who experience harmful or less than savory content through media, especially including music, they are more […]

Ankle Foot Orthosis Design Challenge

In my PLTW (Project Lead the Way) Design and Modeling class, my group and I were given challange to design, build and test a prototype of an Ankle Foot Orthisis for a patient with Cerebral Palsy. We created an innovative AFO to restrict downward movement of the ankle by our patient and solve thier walking […]

The Finest Moments of The Finest Hours

The movie the Finest Hours is about a rescue mission led by Bernie Webber that saved over 30 men from a ship that split in half. Everyone expected Bernie and his crew to fail so when the crew came back alive with 30 survivors on a rescue boat built for 12, the world was in […]