The Dangers of Prescription Drugs

Throughout the Drug Unit in my Health class, we learned about the different varieties of drugs, both legal and illegal. These included, opioids, stimulants, depressants (including alcohol), steroids, hallucinogens, inhalants, and cannabinoids. The final project for this particular unit split our class into eight groups, each with a different category of drug to research and present to the class. My partners and I were assigned the prescription drug category. Prescription drugs are any type of drug prescribed by and used under the guidance of a qualified physician and can be stimulants, depressants, and opioids. We created the presentation and poster below to represent teach our class about prescription medication and inform them of the dangers of addiction and abuse. While there are no major side effects of using medication as prescribed, abusing prescription drugs can negatively effect your lifestyle long term. As said by our poster, just one overdose can end a life.

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