Le projet de vĂȘtements

In my French II class, we just completed our clothing unit. For a final project, my partner, Jean, and I created a video using verbs, possessive adjectives, colors, and clothing vocabulary. In the video we produced, we talked about the clothing we were wearing and visited a department store where we reviewed and purchased a selection of hats and baseball caps. Our project can be accessed with the link given here.

To create our project, my partner and I first developed a script. We did this by creating sentences that we wanted to include, and then stringing them together to create a story. After writing the script out on paper, we proof read it and then had it approved by our teacher. Since we were both busy outside of school, Jean and I met up during study hall to film our video. Once filming was complete, Jean edited the clips together and I rewrote the script on a new sheet of paper. Soon enough, our video was complete!

I feel that during our project, for the most part, we did a good job with grammar and including all of the required words. Next time, we could do better by adding a wider variety of vocabulary terms, as we only really discussed hats and sweatshirts. We also did well when pronouncing some of the vocabulary words, however, we were nervous in saying our lines. We could do better by memorizing our script, or at least practicing our lines until we felt confident.






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