CHARGE! Desmos Graphing Activity

This week in math class, we were challenged to solve one of the four problems that were introduced to us. I chose to do an activity on a graphing and mathematic website we often use in class called Desmos. This activity was called CHARGE! and was about how long it takes a phone to charge. The activity was a series of 10 questions that required us to graph the situation and analyze it.

In the situation, the phone started at 5% and I had to estimate how long it would take to reach 100%. We also had to graph our estimate and determine if it was linear.  My estimate was that it would take 130 minutes to fully charge and that this relationship was linear. I later found that the situation was not linear or geometric, as the charge does not increase at a constant rate. Although, my estimate 130 minutes was very close to the actual answer of 140 minutes. 

This activity also talked about what different parts of an equation mean for specific situations. Here are some of the questions along with my answers that deal with this area.

Overall, this activity was a great review for the unit we are working on in math class currently and was also very fun to complete! (:

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