Poetry SLAM – Original Poems

As a part of my Poetry SLAM project, I had to compose six original poems that fit into certain outlines. I wrote a self-portrait poem, a sonnet, a haiku, sestina, a villanelle, and an “Inside this”.  Throughout this project, I learned more about my personal writing and noticed some patterns in the themes and word choice I used. I think my favorite style of poem was the Haiku because it’s kind of mysterious and you can hide a deeper meaning even in just three simple sentences. The only thing I found challenging about some of these poems was coming up lines that fit the poem structure. Especially the Sonnet and Sestina, where you had to have a certain amount of rhyming lines and syllables.  Listed below are the poems that I have written.



Self-Portrait: by June Patton

My brain is like a thunderstorm with thoughts striking every second.

My eyes are like lost travelers, their gaze always wandering.

My mouth is a leaky faucet with words spilling out.

My life is a staircase, each day is another step.

My heart holds passion as colorful as Christmas lights.

I live in a story

And eat up its words.


Haiku: by June Patton

You’re climbing the tree

Clinging to its sprawling limbs

You’re falling back down


Inside This: by June Patton

Inside This Box

Inside this box

there is something so precious

so delicate

that merely lifting its lid

would destroy it


Inside this box

something so fragile lies

that once you set it free,

it just as quickly dies


If I were to open it

to reveal the contents

Inside this box

the contents would slide out

quick as a fox

and something new would come rushing in

I’d never catch the contents again


Inside this box is something

never before contained

It’s presence baffling




Inside this box

is simply nothing.


Villanelle: by June Patton

Winter Tale

My dear it’s starting to snow

The winter air is bitter and cold

Hold me close and don’t let go


Forgotten words start to flow

Listen to the story unfold

My dear it’s starting to snow


The moon rose high and the sun sat low

Through miles and miles of winter, we’d strolled

Hold me close and don’t go


The wind was harsh and hard and though

We walked together strong and bold

My dear it’s starting to snow


Safe at home where the wind can’t blow

The fire dances with flames of gold

Hold me close and don’t let go


And though this all was long ago

Still just as the story foretold

My dear it’s starting to snow

Hold me close and don’t let go


Sestina: by June Patton

Walking On

When we see the world we don’t see it

We only hear what we want to hear

We walk on past the troubles

Ignoring the tears

That others may shed, going on

As if we cannot see


We walk around blind even though we can see

Roaming the Earth without knowing it

With our hands over our eyes, stumbling on.

When somebody cries, it’s like we don’t hear

They just aren’t there, invisible tears

Nobody cares for other people’s troubles


We all have our own troubles

That no one else can see

We all cry secret tears

And are afraid, though we don’t admit it

We are all screaming, but the world can’t hear

They are too busy walking on


It’s a lonely road we walk on                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Flooded with our own sorrow and troubles

Other people are walking too, but they cannot hear

Our silent screams, no, they cannot see

That the road may be lonely but we all travel it

We are all drowning in tears


But if others were to dry those tears

Become a shoulder to lean on

Someone would be there when you need it

We could recognize and solve the troubles

Which before we could not see

Calm the silent screams we couldn’t hear


We need to hear the silent screams, to stop just walking on.

To see the troubles and the secret tears.

If we open our eyes we can see rather than stumbling past it.


Sonnet: By June Patton

King of Cats

Effortless he lay above the alley

His plumed tail slowly batting side to side

As a king stands high atop his valley,

Watching over his subjects, satisfied

His silken soft head bore no golden crown

Yet other cats seemed to bow down to him

His fur coat an elegant velvet gown

With emerald eyes that never grew dim

His quiet mew a ferocious roar

Heard clear through his kingdom as it echoes

Such a feline has never been known before

After him, every cat, blindly follows

His mighty throne rises into the skies

Gently atop it, the King of Cats lies


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