Lines & Shapes: Using Your Imagination

Hermitage. Joan Miro. 1924.

An artist named Joan Miro created this painting.

His painting seems to show a make-believe land.

His picture has many lines and shapes.

What free form shapes can you see?

What things do they remind you of?

Joan Miro created artwork with strange shapes and different kinds of lines.

line is the path created by a moving point.

Look at the lines below.

Can you find some of the lines in Miro’s painting?


Miro used his imagination to create artwork.

Some of his pictures are like scenes from a dream.

This type of art is called surrealism.

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Project – Lines & Shapes: Using Your Imagination

Crazy Plants. Erin M. Grade 3. 2016.

Crazy Plants. Erin M. Grade 3. 2016.

  1. THINK of a dream-like place.

  2. The place could be beautiful, strange, crazy or Funny things could happen there.

  3. Draw lines and shapes. Use your imagination.

  4. Trace over your pencil lines in black sharpie marker (OR USE A BLACK MARKER TOOL ON SKETCHES SCHOOL).

  5. Paint in your picture using watercolors (OR THE PAINTBRUSH TOOLS ON THE APP SKETCHES SCHOOL).


Media: Try the same project using oil pastels. What differences do you notice between watercolor and oil pastels? Which do you prefer?

Manny – Grade 3 – 2012


Seeing: Play “Line Spy”.

Print out the cards below and take turns looking for lines.

If the other person guesses your line, you get to collect their card.


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