Sculpture: Finishing Your Sculpture

Today you will finish your sculpture.

Would look better if you added things?

Could you add paper shapes?

What else could you add to your sculpture?


An artist created this sculpture below.

He joined many different materials together.

accorsi-mounted knight

William Accorsi. Mounted Knight. Assemblage of wood, tin, springs and mixed media. American Crafts Council, New York.


Sculpture can be painted too. Look at the picture below.

Robert Hudson. Charm. 1964. Polychrome metal sculpture. 45-1/2" (114 cm). Los Angeles County Museum of Art. California.

Robert Hudson. Charm. 1964. Polychrome metal sculpture. 45-1/2″ (114 cm). Los Angeles County Museum of Art. California.


whatdo ido

  1. Finish building and assembling your sculpture. Use your imagination to add details with construction paper and other materials.

  2. Paint your sculpture and wait for it to dry.

  3. Put away all your tools and materials.

  4. Raise your hand to have your sculpture collected and photographed for you portfolio.

  5. Enter your title and artist statement on artsonia.


Social Studies: Create a model of a village or a community. Use smaller containers to represent houses and other structures in miniature form. Students might use similar materials and skills to create model boats, trains, cars and other forms of transportation.