What I would bring if I moved to a new country

  1. I would bring all of my favorite books,so I could read whenever I want
  2. I would also bring my favorite clothes so I would have things to wear
  3. I would bring my favorite stuffed animals so I can sleep with them at night
  4. I might bring my American girl doll(and all her outfits) so I can play with her all the time
  5. I would bring money so I could buy things
  6. I would also bring all of my earrings so I can wear them
  7. I would take my D.S. and IPod so I have them to play on
  8. I would take my D.S. games so I could play my D.S.
  9. I would bring my shoes so I can wear them
  10. I would bring my art supplies so I can draw in my free time
  11. The last thing would be my Cello so I could play it when I move

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