Journal 6: Drainpipe Days

Here is a link to the article I chose for Journal 6!

The article I chose for this journal is about a cat who gets stuck in a drainpipe, but refuses to come out. He spent at least three days in a northwest Ohio drainpipe. He is okay now, but it was not easy to get him out. People tried tuna and sardines, but he wouldn’t come out. They tried calls of, “Here, kitty-kitty!” to get him out. The people even tried a meowing cat app, but still the cat refused to come out.

Finally groundskeepers came and cut the cat out of the pipe. When they got him out, he was muddy, hypothermic, and scrawny. He had a broken leg and several other injuries. It has been a rough few days for the cat!

Luckily things have been looking up for him since the accident. He seems to have put it all behind him. A veterinarian said, “If cats truly has nine lives, he probably has about three left.” The cat has been named Piper, and he enjoys all of the petting and attention he gets. Many people have volunteered to adopt Piper if he goes unclaimed!

Here is my Pixton:

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