Blog for pets affecting people’s lives

  1. Q:People have kept pets for generations.In general,how do pets affect people’s lives?
  2. A:Pets affect peoples lives by making them have to have responsibility,a concentrated mind,and the supplies to meet the pet(s) needs and/or wants.The responsibility part is important,because you need to be able to be counted on by your parents,friends,or whoever might ask you to watch their pets while on vacation.The concentrated mind helps because if you try to concentrate on what your pet wants,you just might be able to find out what they need,or want.The supplies are one of the most important thing that you should have,and trust me on this one,because I am the proud owner of three cats and a gerbil.The supplies are important,because if you don’t have what your pet needs or wants,then you will lose your pet’s trust,and trust me,that isn’t good.The pets affect people’s lives by helping them gain traits that they might not have had beforehand.My pets are always counting on me,and gaining my trust more and more every single day,and if you follow this paragraph,yours will do the same with you too.Make sure your pet always has whatever he or she may want,or you may lose their trust,which is never good.I hope you will always have the trust of your pets,because when you lose their trust,and trust me,you’ll want it back more than anything.


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