Last week of school

This will be the last week of school before our Winter Break.  Hard to believe the year is half over.  We are on break from December 19th and return to school on January 2, 2017.

This last week we will continue to practice our two songs, Snowflake and Little Snowman.  The children are very excited to sing them for you.  If you cannot attend the evening performance on Thursday Dec. 15th you are welcome to attend the dress rehearsal on Thursday at 10 AM.  For those PM families, if you want your child to practice you will need to bring them and take them home again.  School will remain the same in the PM.  This final week before break we will be stepping away from our clothing unit and finishing up our winter crafts.  Our story this last week is The Sneezey Snowman.  It is a cute story of how a snowman melts because he is cold and sneezing!!.  The students will have a chance to create a new way that their snowman melts.  Our letter is F and our math concept is patterning.


We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!


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