Building Study

This week we will begin our Building Study Theme.  We will be looking and learning about the buildings in our community along with how they were built.  The students will be building houses from the story The 3 Little Pigs.  This You Tube video is the classic Disney version filled with amazing music.

They will also predict which house will blow down while using a hair dryer.  The students will reenact the roles of the three pigs while they play in the housekeeping area.

The letter of the week is K and math will incorporate graphing.  We will blow paint and use shaving creme and blocks to recreate brick and mortar.  This should be a fun week!!!


PM Class Only:  Our next family Field trip is this Saturday January 21st.  We are invited to The Cleveland History Center of the Western Reserve Historical  Society.  You will need to check in at the UCI table just to let them know what school district you are from, and pizza and drinks will be available more than likely downstairs.  Bring your kiddos and grandma and grandpa if you want.  It should be a great day.

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