The finish line…..

This week we will be talking about all things summer…we will be discussing vacations, beaches, swimming and whatever the kids can think of.  We will have our field day on Wednesday (hoping for good weather 🙂

We will continue to do reviews all the while they are “playing” at the centers of their choice.

Here is a fun rhyming book about summer!!



A week of fun!!

This week we are going to be doing review and focusing on fun!!

The centers will be focused on the children’s choice where they will be able to choose some of their favorite centers.  In dramatic play we will be focusing on things that remind of of summer.  This week we will have an ice cream shop and on Thursday we will make sundaes/banana splits.

This is a fun time for the kids and us because we know it is the end of the year and they get to do some of their favorites and we get to see how much they have learned.  We are reviewing the whole alphabet this week by playing games and ABC Bingo.


PM ONLY: This Thursday pack your kids lunch for them to eat at school.  The kids are going to eat lunch with the Kindergarteners!!!!  We will be eating lunch right at noon when everyone arrives.


Below is one book we will read about an ice cream shop:



Review and fun

The next 3 weeks we are going to be doing review and focusing on fun!!

The centers will be focused on the children’s choice where they will be able to choose some of their favorite centers.  In dramatic play we will be focusing on things that remind of of summer.  This week we will have a camp site and on Thursday will makes S’mores.  Next week our dramatic play area will be turned into an ice cream shop.

This is a fin time for the kids and us because we know it is the end of the year and they get to do some of their favorites and we get to see how much they have learned.  Review of letters this week is U,V,W,X,Y and Z.

Below is one book we will read about camping:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The kids have really been getting involved in this unit.  Just last Thursday I thru out my iced tea bottle and one of the kids yelled at me because I didn’t put it in the correct recycle container!!

This week we will be talking about composting.  In the sensory table we will have worms and dirt, in the dramatic play area it will be a flower shop.  We will continue with our letter review of P,Q,R,S,T this week.  We will continue making our paper mache Earth’s, and will be introducing the kids to addition and subtraction concepts.

Below is a great ABC book about composting.

PM only

last field trip this week is this Thursday

week 2 of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

This week we will be learning about where the garbage goes that our garbage men take from the curb each week.  This video will help our students understand the process of recycling and garbage.

Our vocabulary this week is crush, recycle, real and pretend.  The weekly question is Where does trash go and What do workers do?  We will be making an earth out of paper mache and have our own recycling plant in our room.  We will be adding water to the shredded paper we made last week and will make our own paper out of recycled newspaper.

We are collecting water bottles (one per child). We are going to make sensory bottles that they can take home to play with!!

Important dates:

May 10-Last field trip of the year to the Dunham Tavern.

May 24-PM DAP students will come in early and have lunch in the gym with the Kindergarteners

May 30th- Field day

May 31- Last day with students