Winter Olympics here we come………

Over the next three weeks we our theme in our building will be the Winter Olympics!  The building is really excited about this adventure.  Every class has been teamed up and have been assigned a country.  Our country is Germany.  Not only will we be learning about the Olympics but also our country.  The whole building will also be following and talking about the USA teams.

This week in our class we will be introducing the Olympics: what is it? what happens? etc. We will also be introducing our country Germany and talking about the torch lighting ceremony.

Dramatic play this week will be the Olympic village with an ice rink.  We will be building different sleds for our bobsled challenge we will have with the Kindergarten the last week of our unit.  We will be painting a German flag and playing curling and keeping score.

The whole building is very excited about this Olympic tour we are going to take together!!!


PM only: this week we have a field trip to the Botanical Gardens on Thursday.  Please make sure your child arrives  by 11:45 the bus leaves promptly at noon.



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