Buildings, Buildings, Buildings

Buildings Around Us!

This week we continue with our Building Study. We will look at pictures of buildings from our community and reading the stories, Buildings, Buildings, Buildings, and A Chair for Mother.  We will be using boxes to build, magnetic tiles to build with and items from our University Circle kit that includes building items.

This week we will be focusing on learning to write the upper case letters C and D along with their lower case partners.  Math will be counting items up to 20.  If a student can count higher we will support their skill development.

This is a short week for our students and hopefully the weather will allow us to come to school each day.  Please be sure to watch the weather each morning for school closings just in case.

We are in search of typical role models for next year.  If you have a friend who is interested in attending DAP, have them check the website for our link, which will be posted early next week, for the Spring screening on March 12.  Any questions regarding next year please don’t hesitate to email or talk to one of the teachers.

This is a really cool video on Buildings from all over the world.

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