Week 1 of Tree Study

This week will begin our first week of our Tree study.  The Questions for the week are  “What do we know about trees?”and  “What do we want to find out?”  The Question of the day is “Did you see a tree on the way to school today?” To help answer all of these questions we will take a nature walk on the school grounds and explore the trees. We will gather items from the trees that we find and fill the sensory table.  For art we will use a tree item to paint with at the table. Feel free to send in any items you and your child may find on a walk in your neighborhood.

We have also created a tree in the classroom that the students will name along with adding their own ideas of what we can do with a tree.

Our letters for the week are I and J and Math will be patterning.

This week we will be working on our family trees using the family pictures you have sent in and creating a book for our classroom library. If you have not sent in a family picture please send one in or email the picture to my email address, mfrenz@fairview.k12.oh.us

One of our stories of the week is Our Tree Named Steve which is a sweet story about the things in life we hold dear to us, anther story this week is a favorite Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

I will be out Monday and Mrs. Mary Maruna will be subbing.  She is very familiar with substituting for our DAP program.

September 26 is Literacy Night from 6:30-7:30 Pm along with conferences to sign Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) paperwork. If you have not signed up for conferences please do so. The conference will only take 15-30 minutes.  We need to go over results of the ASQ questionnaires that you did online and sign off on it.  This is a requirement for our rating for SUTQ.


Here is the link to sign up for a conference if you haven’t already


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