Beginning School week 3

Who works at your school?

This week we will be learning about who works at our school and their jobs.  We will also begin our look at our families.  We have all different kind of families as we will learn in the story Charlie Anderson.  It is a sweet story about a cat who lives in two different homes.


We will introduce the letters E and F along with our math study of sorting.

Music begins this week with Miss Alicia .


We received the grant for the University Circle Initiative!!  Our first field trip will be Oct 5th to the Music Settlement and their outside classroom.  Last year it was amazing to see the children play and learn outside.  Of course this is for the afternoon students only.

Permission slips and a sign up genius will be sent out soon for families to sign up to be chaperones.  A permission slip has to be signed by a parent for your child to attend.

We look forward to participating in this program again this year and know it will be a worthwhile experience for all the students.

A big thanks to Martha Holden Jennings Foundation for the grant!!!

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