The last week of our ball unit………..sports!!

This short week we will be finishing up our study of balls with playing several sports in the classroom!!  Our math lessons will focus around keeping score, writing down with tallies and adding to see who wins.

We will be playing golf, ping pong, pop a shot, and bowling all in the classroom…we may even add some more sports based on the children’s interests.

Also some of the kids recently said they miss doing our cooking lessons.  Therefore, this week we will make our own sundaes to celebrate Memorial Day.  Next week we will be making grilled cheese, let me know if there are any food allergies other than peanuts and tree nuts please.


It was great seeking so may families at the end of the year party with all the food trucks and activities. Hope you had as much fun as Mrs. Molly and I did!!


PM class only:

Our last field trip has been rescheduled for this Wednesday.  We will be visiting Music Settlement again this week and we will be visiting their outdoor classroom.  We will have the opportunity to do experiments and play with water. We are asking that your child come dressed for outdoor activity. They will be experimenting with different materials and might get a little wet! So have them be dressed accordingly.

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