What are balls made of?

This week we will be exploring what balls are made of.  If anyone has any balls that have split or are apart that would be awesome. It will save Mr. Bill our custodian from having to cut them in half!! It will be interesting to hear what the students predict what is inside of the balls.

Our letter this week our letters are review: Q, Z, I, F, M, P, and V.  Our math activities will surround addition and subtraction. This week we will attempt to make a bouncy ball with vinegar and an egg. We will compare what happens to an egg that sits in vinegar compared to an egg that sits in water. It will be great fun.  Again as the weather gets hotter and we spend time outside, please put sunscreen on your child.  Without a doctors script we are not allowed to do so.

PM CLASS:  We are in the process of rescheduling our field trip that we missed this last Thursday. We will let you know when it is scheduled.

As we get closer to the end of the year, we will gradually be sending home clothes,  notebooks, and headphones.

May 26 at 6:30 is the all building end of the year celebration with food trucks galore.  Try to come it will be great fun.

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