Do all Balls Bounce?

This week we will be exploring whether or not all balls bounce.  If a ball is heavy does it bounce?  We will be using tubes and ramps to see if all balls roll and bounce.  We will be reading the book called Bounce and the Fairy Tale, The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  Challenge your child at home to find a ball that rolls.  See if you can roll the ball down many different ramps.  Create your own ramp using paper towel tubes or swim noodles.  Building with your child creates hours of fun.

Our letter of the week is Z and our math lesson is on subtraction and addition.  We will be finishing up our Mothers day Gifts that I know the children are excited to give to you.

A great big Thank you to everyone who honored the teachers last week for Teacher Appreciation week.  Truly it is our pleasure to work with your child.

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