The last study of the school year….balls!!!

Our study this month is BALLS.  We will investigate how they bounce, roll, size and what kind.  The students will play with a variety of balls, paint with them, measure them and explore what in on the inside of them.  We will also do two science experiments in which we will make our own bouncy balls. For math this week we will be measuring and we will be reviewing the letters Y, U, J, X, H, and N.

As we begin to wind down the school year we will try very hard to play outside each day.  It is prohibited for us to apply sun screen to your child at school without a medical statement from your doctor.  If sunscreen is a summer protocol for your family, please apply it to your child before they come to school each day.

If you attended the ice cream social and art show last Friday thank you for coming.  It was a huge success!!

PM Class ONLY:  Our last field trip will be back to the Music Settlement however this time we will be exploring outside and water. We advise you to wear boots as we may be getting WET and possibly MUDDY as well!!

It is hard to believe that school will be ending soon.  Our last day of DAP is the same as the district June 8, 2017.  The children have learned so very much this year and we are super thrilled to have been witnesses to their success.




Living vs Nonliving

We started out our study of living and nonliving this past week with a lot of fun items that the kids really enjoyed!  This week we will continue our study by investigating more about ants and butterflies and their life cycles.

Our butterflies and ants were delivered over the weekend so the kids will have a great time helping put them into their habitats we have for them in our classroom.

Letter of the week this week is U.  This week we will be exploring things that are living and non living.  We will sort items in the sensory table, use clip cards to strengthen our fine motor and work on our art projects that will be on display during the ART SHOW on April 28th.

We will enjoy an Earth day Assembly on April 18th and honor our earth with an Earth Day Project.


Spring has FINALLY Sprung!!!

The rest of the month we will be focusing on the topic of living and nonliving, talking about Spring and life cycles. For the PM class, our field trip this month will be to the Botanical Gardens.  We will be using all the material that the Botanical Gardens has provided for the PM in both classes.

We will read the story The Caterpillar and the Polliwog by Jack Kent.

For art this week we will continue to add artwork to our nature mural which is outside our classroom.  The housekeeping area has been turned into a flower shop, the sensory table is a pretend planting station with real dirt and pretend flowers  We will also be working on our art projects for the Art show which occurs on April 28th.

Our letter this week is J and Math will include sorting items based on living and nonliving along with using spring items. This coming week school will not be in session on Friday or Monday of the following week in observance of Good Friday and Easter.

We will have an Earth Day assembly on April 18th and celebrate Earth day on April 22.

As we begin to wind down for the year, if you are interested in having a conference about your child’s progress please send me an email.  We would be happy to sit down with you and talk about your child’s progress and the future.  It truly has been an amazing year with a great deal of educational growth and tons of fun!!.

IMPORTANT***** DAP will be cancelled on May 4th as our whole staff will be attending  the (OAEYC) Professional Development Early Childhood Conference on that day.  Thanks for your understanding!!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The theme for the next few weeks is reduce, reuse and recycle.  We will be learning about how it is important to recycle and take care of our planet.  Throughout the unit we will be building with “garbage” painting with a variety of non-paint brushes and finding ways to feed the birds, grow plants.  It should be very fun and creative.  If you have any empty milk cartons or gallon jugs, please send them in to school.  We will attempt to make bird feeders out of them.  Have your child help you recycle items at home.  This is a great sorting activity along with being socially responsible.

Math this week focuses on counting 0-20 and we will be reviewing the letters W, L, E, V and X.  Have your child try to find an item in the house that begins with each letter.

Please note:  Kindergarten registration is April 5th in the gym from 9-12 PM and 4-7 PM.