It is very hard to believe that we are now beginning a new year in DAP.  As we return to school we will be returning to our clothing unit to finish it out, create patterns and review all the letters we have covered since the fall; M, S, R, T, N, C, A, D, I, G, F.  Before school begins have your child find things around the house that begin with the letters that we will review and encourage them to make the letter sounds.  They will be prepared to review when we come back to school.  These activities coincide with the book we will read Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina.

Art this week will again enhance the clothing unit along with sensory activities.

Both AM and PM for both Mrs. Peggy and myself  have new students joining in the new year.  Please welcome, Ben, Ben, Claudia, Calvin, Louisa, Natalie, Ashley and Kamden.  As you know we have to keep a 50/50 ratio in the class at all times which is why we are adding so many new students.  We look forward  to an amazing beginning to our new year with new friends and new activities.


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