How Stopping Climate Change Can Save the Earth

  This quarter in Science, we are learning about climate change. In class, we talked about the difference between weather and climate, The Greenhouse Effect, climate change and how we can stop climate change. After gathering information about these concepts, we were given a challenge to create a presentation that we could show to the […]

Fast Food Is Slowing Us Down

  When you sit down at your favorite fast food place to eat a yummy burger or treat yourself to some bottomless fries, do you ever think about what that one meal could do, besides satisfying your hunger? Well, it’s time to spill the fries because fast food makes a bigger impact that that. Fast food […]

Creating a Coastal Barrier to Save Fudai

Fudai is a small fishing village on the coast of Japan. In March of 2011, a tsunami hit the coast of Japan. It destroyed all of the villages, except Fudai. The secret of Fudai’s survival was their seawall. Unlike the other villages 10-meter seawalls, Fudai built a seawall that was 15-meters tall. Mayer Kotoko Wamura […]

Mystery Bag X-ray

For this project we had to observe 10 paper bags and figure out what was inside. Using our sense of smell, sight, sound and touch, we made a hypothesis about what was in the bags. We then had to make a model explaining what we thought was in the bags. After making a model, we […]