Ankle Foot Orthosis Design Challenge

In my PLTW (Project Lead the Way) Design and Modeling class, my group and I were given challange to design, build and test a prototype of an Ankle Foot Orthisis for a patient with Cerebral Palsy. We created an innovative AFO to restrict downward movement of the ankle by our patient and solve thier walking […]

An Introduction to Genetics!

This quarter in Science, we learned about genetics. We discussed topics such as inherited traits, alleles, punnet squares and probability, gene mutations, and genetic disorders. To show our knowledge on these different topics, we were tasked to create a project that showcased all of the information we learned. I chose to create a video presentation […]

La Maison De Mes Rêves

  In my French 1 class, we are working on La Maison (the house) unit. This unit includes vocabulary relating to the house, furniture, chores, prepositions and the weather. One of the big projects we did at the end of the unit was create La Maison De Mes Rêves, or, the house of our dreams. I […]

Bismuth Element Résumé!

Recently in Science class, as a part of our Periodic Table, Isotopes, Ions and Bonding project, we created résumés for periodic elements. We all chose an element from the periodic table that we would research and study, and then create a résumé for. The résumé had to be written from the point of view of our […]

Linear Slalom! Desmos Graphing Activity

Today in Math class, our assignment was to chose one of four different graphing problems. I chose to do an activity on Desmos that dealt with graphing linear functions and writing equations for them. The activity was called Linear Slalom and it challenged me to graph lines that pass through ‘gates’ (represented by two different points). […]

MATTER matters! Separating Seawater Lab

In our latest science project, a few of my classmates and I did a Separation of Sea Water Lab to learn more about the matter and all of the different forms it takes. The goal of the lab was to take a flask of seawater and separate it into three different substances: salt, water, and sand. […]

Poetry SLAM – Original Poems

As a part of my Poetry SLAM project, I had to compose six original poems that fit into certain outlines. I wrote a self-portrait poem, a sonnet, a haiku, sestina, a villanelle, and an “Inside this”.  Throughout this project, I learned more about my personal writing and noticed some patterns in the themes and word choice […]

Student Showcase

At our school, we are having a student showcase. This is our chance to show what we have worked hard on and are most proud of.   We were told to select two items that we had made during the first semester,  atleast one of which had to be curricular. I chose to showcase my […]

Hour of Code Project

In OA we were given time to explore scratch and participate in the Hour of Code program. I chose to code a Google Doodle for National Cat Day. Using the graphics scratch provided, I coded the above project. I made it so that if you click on the cats, they have little speech bubbles with […]

The Finest Moments of The Finest Hours

The movie the Finest Hours is about a rescue mission led by Bernie Webber that saved over 30 men from a ship that split in half. Everyone expected Bernie and his crew to fail so when the crew came back alive with 30 survivors on a rescue boat built for 12, the world was in […]