Identical Quadratics!

For this week’s Portfolio Problem, I chose to work on the Identical Quadratics situation. This problem tasked me to fill in blank spaces in order to create three equation that would result in the same parabola. To fill in the blanks, I could only use whole numbers between 0 and 9, and I could only […]

Racing Cars! Interactive Desmos Activity

This week in math class, we challenged to solve one of four different math problems that dealt with equations and inequalities. The goal was to go in depth in finding the solution to the problem and then reflect on how we solved it. I chose to complete a Desmos Activity called Racing Cars! that was […]

Linear Slalom! Desmos Graphing Activity

Today in Math class, our assignment was to chose one of four different graphing problems. I chose to do an activity on Desmos that dealt with graphing linear functions and writing equations for them. The activity was called Linear Slalom and it challenged me to graph lines that pass through ‘gates’ (represented by two different points). […]

CHARGE! Desmos Graphing Activity

This week in math class, we were challenged to solve one of the four problems that were introduced to us. I chose to do an activity on a graphing and mathematic website we often use in class called Desmos. This activity was called CHARGE! and was about how long it takes a phone to charge. […]

An Unusual Pattern

  Today in math class, we were given the assignment to chose one of five sequences and analyze them. The problem I chose is called An Unusual Pattern which was a sequence of orange, blue and green squares that increased with each term. For this assignment, I had to choose 3 values from the sequence an figure […]

What’s Your Learning Style?

In math class, we took an assesment to see what our main learning syle was. The point of this was to explore different options that could help us learn better based on what learning syle we got. If you look at the picture below, you can see that my score showed that I was an […]