Voyage Imaginaire

As the project for a recent unit in my French II class, I planned a trip to and made a brochure for a Francophone country. Francophone means French-speaking, so a Francophone country is one that has French as one of its official languages. I chose Luxembourg, a tiny country in Europe that borders with France, Berligium, and Germany. It has three official languages: German, French, and Luxembourgish.

For my project, first I planned out the flights and hotel stays for my trip. Then I created this itinerary of interesting activities across four different cities in Luxembourg. After this, I designed a brochure for my trip and created an imaginary tourism company. You can see my digital brochure here, or look at the images at the bottom of this post.

Looking back on the project I created, I feel that I did well in designing the brochure and making it seem professional. I think that my project was well researched and includes good information about my country and its cities. However, I feel like I could have included different activities in my trip that would have more accurately represented the wide range of things to see and do in Luxembourg. Also, while I did plan to visit a butterfly garden in my trip, I think that could have made the name of my tourism company more relevant to Luxembourg.



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